Thursday, 28 October 2010

The Abernethy Studio Belfast

The aim of this blog is to post and also to gather information and interesting memories of the Abernethy Photographic Studios of 29 High Street in Belfast.   The first studio at 29 High Street was opened by William Abernethy around 1884.  A number of others were opened during the early 1900s after he was awarded the Royal Appointment to Queen Victoria. 

I have already conducted some research over the last 15 years or so.  However I am sure there is still plenty more to find.

At some stage I hope to compile a booklet/scrapbook of photos and memorabilia of the studios.


  1. Hello Abernathy Researcher,

    I wonder if you know the answer to this question about dating Abernathys:

    I have three Abernathy studio photographs. Two show 'Abernathy' in gold italics on the left. In the middle there is the decorative gold monogram 'WA' and on the right the address '29 High Street, Belfast' is written in gold italics

    The third photograph has the same 'Abernathy' in gold italics on the left but the address on the right is written in plain gold text and there is no monogram in the middle.

    All three mounts have rounded corners with a gold trim.

    It's very difficult to take them from the album but the last time they were extracted I found the backs to be completely blank. An anomaly is that the clothing of all three appears to predate the 1880s.

    Thanks a lot. What do you think? Ann

  2. Are you still working on this project? I have an old family albumn that includes a collection of portraits by Abernath. The include cards with and without the Royal Warrant and since I know who the subjects are, might offer a timetable to some of the mounts - assuming that you can guess the age of the subjects. :-) Drop me a line if you are still interested.

    1. Hi George, I'd be interested to know if the name Lyons appears anywhere in your family album? I have a copy of an ancestor's photo from the studio that I am trying to date (and get a better copy of!)

    2. Hi I have a picture found among my grandad s belongings and think it may be his grandparents . It was taken at the Abernathy studios and would love to find out more .
      Is there any records of pictures taken at all anywhere?
      Would love to find out my email is

  3. Any idea whether the archives and negatives of Abernethy Belfast are still in existence. I have a press image of one of their photos which is of my great grandmother who was murdered in Belfast in 1910 and I would dearly love to track down the original photo, as none of her descendants has a photo of her. It was published in the Larne Times in 1910, and I have e mailed them several times asking if they hold a copy, but they don't reply.

  4. Hi I live in west Yorkshire and and am researching our family history with one of my cousins who is in Antrim. We have unearthed loads of photos taken in 29 High Street Belfast, from late 1800's through to 1920s+ unfortunately none of them have names on and would love to have help in there is anyone that could tell us who they are.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi
    I have a family picture taken in the Abernathy studios and would love to find out more about it I think it’s possibly my great great grandparents.
    Is there any where I can find out more or was there any records kept on the pictures taken

  7. I recently went op-shopping and found this photo upper top a shelf all by itself when I bought it and undid the frame it turns out there actually two photos in the frame. The first photo the one visible was of a lady who looks to be about mid-aged who was married and the second photo underneath that looks like a lady in a 20s in the 1920s. when I flipped the older photo over I found the address of the studio to be Abernethy Studios, 29 Hight Street Belfast, but the second photo had nothing behind it

  8. Hello,
    I'm trying to work out the dating of a what seems to be a photograph of my great-great-grandfather, born c. 1860. The bottom has "Abernathy" "Photographer By Royal Appointment" "29 High St. Belfast.". Does anybody know when these logos were used? He seems to be around 40-55 in the photo, meaning that maybe it is from the late-1890s to late-1910s(?)
